1. Strengthening animal-sourced food value chains
Orora Wihaze drives change throughout Rwanda’s animal-sourced food market systems by supporting a policy environment that enables private-sector driven market transformation.
2. Improving women and children’s nutritional status
Orora Wihaze is improving women and children’s nutritional status by increasing knowledge of nutritional and health benefits of animal-sourced foods, increasing access to appropriate and affordable products, and empowering women to make nutrition decisions in the household.
3. Partnering with the private sector to spur market transformation
The activity works with private sector partners across the value chain to ensure sustainable outcomes for Rwanda’s markets beyond the life of the program. Orora Wihaze is committed to enhancing the productivity of market actors in livestock production by facilitating access to quality inputs, extension service, tailored financial products and stronger market linkages.
Despite the country’s extraordinary achievements in the health sector, stunting rates in Rwanda remain stubbornly high. A majority of households in Rwanda do not regularly consume animal-sourced foods due to limiting dietary norms, limited availability, and costs (or perceived costs). Lack of appropriate financing and poor coordination between public and private sector actors further limits access to animal-sourced foods. Orora Wihaze works to increase consumption of foods that provide vital nutrients and play an important role in cognitive development.