Our affiliation with Land O’Lakes, Inc.’s diversified agribusinesses gives our nonprofit a unique understanding of how to drive inclusive and sustainable change through agriculture. Combine this with our 40 years of agricultural development projects and we’ve got a powerful approach to transforming agricultural systems.
We partner with all agricultural players to drive market development, reduce investment barriers and strengthen farmer-to-fork agricultural systems.
Expanding domestic & international trade through food safety
The USDA Transforming the Inspection and Assessment of Food Business (TAIB) program is working to strengthen the capacity of the National Food Safety Authority (NFSA), provide NFSA workforce training, and improve policy and regulatory frameworks. In partnership with the NFSA, we designed a modern food import control system based on preventative management, expedited clearance and risk-based consignment sampling. To date, the project has supported the creation of 11 standards and regulations, ranging from maximum pesticide residue levels to management of food processors. The project aims to ensure a successful, modern food system that regulates food across Egypt and promotes greater U.S. export and investment opportunities.
Forging new opportunities and unlocking finance for horticulture
In collaboration with TechnoServe / Partners in Food Solutions, Michigan State University and the AHL Commodities Exchange, we are pioneering enterprise development and a structured trading system for horticultural products through the USDA Malawi Strengthening Inclusive Markets for Agriculture (MSIKA) project is. The project works across horticulture value chains to increase productivity and market access, catalyze finance for agribusinesses and other Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and train farmers on improved agricultural techniques and technologies. By enabling linkages between buyers and sellers and improving market and trade infrastructure, MSIKA is making domestic trade more efficient and increasing long-term export opportunities for the horticulture sector.
Addressing food insecurity through private sector solutions
The USAID Future Kenya Innovation Engine (KIE) served as an incubation-like mechanism to source cutting-edge technologies that address persistent challenges to food security, malnutrition and poverty. By identifying, nurturing and scaling innovations in agriculture, the project tested and piloted 24 diverse innovations, including the use of ICT to streamline various value chain challenges, increase smallholder revenue and improve on-farm productivity and market efficiency, supported 1,400 enterprises, facilitated over 70 business development services relationship, and spurred more than $25 million in incremental sales. In working with innovators, the project emphasized enterprise development and fostered financial sustainability through a blend of private sector techniques.
Stabilizing households and communities through agriculture
Deeply rooted in local communities, the RAMA-BC has been at the forefront of promoting regenerative agricultural practices to mitigate against persistent climactic shocks and stressors. We partner with private sector input suppliers and local research institutions to increase awareness and adoption of new seed varieties, promote resilient farming practices, and test the efficacy of our approaches season after season. Following Tropical Cyclone Idai, the MIRAR project helped to stabilize household food security by distributing 105 metric tons of diverse seeds to approximately 15,000 vulnerable households.
Strengthening community and household resilience through livestock
In partnership with a variety of global and local partners, we are working across the livestock sector to build resilience for the most vulnerable people, households and communities. By building capacity in animal production and providing trainings on animal health and livestock development, we are able to prevent and reduce food insecurity while also increasing opportunities for economic growth. Our expertise on how to strengthen animal health systems is also equipping people with the resources to respond and recover to the effects of recurring shocks and stressors.
Facilitating adoption of Fall Armyworm pest management controll
In partnership with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and Villa Crop Protection, we are supporting the resilience of smallholder maize growers by promoting environmentally suitable and locally appropriate integrated pest management solutions to mitigate Fall Armyworm (FAW) infestation. This locally driven project utilizes on-farm research to validate solutions, incentivize private sector investment and drive smallholder awareness of FAW management strategies. Through customized solutions, this project is building the capacity of smallholders to manage FAW and boost markets.
Advancing animal and human nutrition
Through the Kenya Nourishing Prosperity Alliance (KNPA), we, in partnership with Corteva Agriscience, Forage Genetics International and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), are empowering smallholder dairy farmers by increasing animal productivity and incomes, while increasing the supply of nutritional dairy products to local communities. Farmer trainings on how to effectively screen, report and treat animal disease help to strengthen local disease surveillance systems and proper procedures to keep all animals and their caregivers healthy. Improved production and storage of forage also enable farmers to prevent contamination of feed and mitigate the environmental impact caused by dairy farming.
Increasing access to diverse, safe and quality foods
The USAID Growth Through Nutrition (GTN) project worked across all government and society levels to bring multi-sectoral nutrition programming to community levels. We, on collaboration with Save the Children, increased access to diverse, safe and quality foods by promoting more nutritious and productive varieties of vegetables, fruits, legumes, bio-fortified crops and small livestock, like poultry. Our approach also included trainings for extension agents, model farmers, and vulnerable households to empower them to become a source of knowledge and inputs for other farmers.
Improving safety and quality in dairy and beef value chains
Alongside the local private sector, we work with the government of Georgia and dairy and livestock agribusinesses to improve food safety and quality protocols and build consumer awareness around food safety and quality through the USDA Safety and Quality Investment in Livestock (SQIL) project. This project improves the farm to fork management of livestock, including access to veterinarians, and the processing of products such as milk, cheese, and value-added meats. Through this approach, people have more options for high nutrient-dense foods and able to incorporate them into diets, expanding dietary diversity while increasing food security.