News | February 05, 2024
Feed the Future Program Facilitates Livestock Market Systems Workshops in Haiti
A Feed the Future program in Haiti is collaborating with key stakeholders in the livestock sector to enhance their comprehension of market systems development.
Banner photo: discussion session between actors of the livestock system in Haiti and financial institutions. Limonade workshop, November 11-12, 2023. Photo credit: Rodny Darenard.

The Feed the Future Programme d'Appui à la Rentabilisation de l'Elevage (PARE) has successfully conducted its first series of three strategic workshops designed to promote the sustainable development of market systems in Haiti's livestock sector. There will be six workshops in total. These workshops, held from November to December 2023 in key intervention regions – Limonade in the North, Les Cayes in the South, and Hinche in the Central Plateau – served as a platform for exchange and co-creation among various stakeholders in the livestock community.

PARE, committed to supporting key actors in Haiti's livestock sector, facilitated engaging sessions to enhance understanding of market system development and encourage establishment of connections between market actors to create support networks. The workshops brought together diverse participants, including potential partner companies, livestock farmers' organizations, livestock support institutions, service and input suppliers, as well as representatives from the financial sector and local agricultural authorities.

A woman participates in a PARE training session in Les Cayes. 

The workshops aimed to solicit feedback and validate findings of the foundational study that was conducted on the livestock market system in Haiti. Each two-day session featured informative presentations and interactive discussion based workshops, addressing sector-specific challenges, and exploring opportunities to reinforce the market system.

Jean Daniel, PARE Chief of Party, emphasized the significance of these workshops during the launch in Limonade on November 21, 2023: "These workshops represent a crucial step towards strengthening partnerships and inclusive practices for the sustainable development of livestock market systems."

In addition to gaining valuable insights into the market systems development (MSD) approach, stakeholders were encouraged to integrate young people and women into their respective activities. The speakers highlighted the need for collaborative efforts to establish effective and sustainable partnerships, following the formation of common platforms to enhance resilience in accordance with the MSD approach.

From these workshops, promising alliances emerged among key actors in the livestock farming system. Agro Tech, Ferme Canaan, Renaissance, AVIMAX, SAPEN S.A, FEPVAH, SOFPRODIT, and CEMARCH have committed to joining forces to address sector-specific challenges and develop appropriate, sustainable solutions. The PARE team, in turn, pledges to monitor and support these alliances’ progress, aiming to formalize these commitments through the signing of memoranda of understanding between the stakeholders.

At the end of the initial three workshops, stakeholders expressed confidence that the PARE team would offer them the necessary assistance to address the various recommendations stated during the discussions. These recommendations include:
• Locally produce chicken feed.
• Develop local input companies.
• Encourage farmers to cultivate corn and other feed inputs.
• Advocate for the use of natural medicines to reduce the cost of imported feeds.
• Enhance the capacity of involved parties.
• Boost production.
• Form partnerships with suppliers and producers of chicks, feed, and medicines.
• Unite breeders to facilitate or establish economic strength.

The PARE team will continue collaborating with companies and civil society organizations in the livestock sector throughout the program's implementation. They took advantage of the opportunity to present their Annual Program Statement to stakeholders, urging them to submit concept notes that outline innovations, resilience, and the inclusion of youth and women in their respective proposals.
By Rodny Darenard 02/05/2024 #News